What is Triggering Your Garage Door to Breakdown? Discover Our Professional Fixing Solutions!

What is Triggering Your Garage Door to Breakdown? Discover Our Professional Fixing Solutions!

winding bars

Is it jammed? What is Causing Your Garage Door to Malfunction? Discover Our Professional Repair Solutions! . extension springs Is the door opening unevenly or too slowly? No matter what the issue is, you must contact a trusted repair service near you to fix the problem promptly. Turn to Jennings Garage Door Service right away. Turn to Jennings Garage Door Service right away.

As your trusted experts, we understand the risks of having a faulty garage door. When you turn to Jennings Garage Door Service, you can expect a team of expert technicians working on your garage door. We only deploy individuals who are trained to repair garage doors to the highest standards. We only deploy individuals who are trained to repair garage doors to the highest standards.

Don’t attempt to fix broken garage door springs on your own. They can be a danger to yourself, your possessions, and those around you. So, if you’re experiencing the same problem, make sure you call professionals to get it fixed immediately. winding bars So, if you’re experiencing the same problem, make sure you call professionals to get it fixed immediately.

Not only can it damage your garage door, it creates a hazardous situation for you and your family. Don’t spend another day with a malfunctioning garage door spring that puts you and your family at risk. Your garage door’s cables work with its springs to gently open and close your garage door. Your garage door’s cables work with its springs to gently open and close your garage door.

bearing plates

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Garage Door Repair Related Terms

Entity Description Source
Choosing a Garage Door Company Key questions to ask when selecting a company for garage door installation. Source
Garage Door Replacement Costs Factors impacting the cost of garage door replacement, including door type and installation fees. Source
Choosing a Garage Door Guide on what to consider when choosing a garage door, including materials and insulation. Source
Commercial Garage Door Installation The importance of professional installation for commercial garage doors for security and smooth operations. Source
Challenges in Garage Door Installation Discussion on the complexities and potential issues in garage door installation. Source
Professional Installation Service Overview of the benefits of using skilled technicians for garage door installation. Source
Market Analysis of Garage Door Installation Analysis of the garage door installation market, including industry fragmentation and cost factors. Source
Garage Door Installation Safety Emphasis on the importance of safety and precision in garage door installation. Source
Comprehensive Garage Door Consultation Guidance on considering all aspects of garage doors, including aesthetics, insulation, and price. Source
Reasons to Replace Your Garage Door Exploring the top reasons for replacing an old garage door, including improved protection and reduced maintenance. Source

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Garage Door Repair Related Terms

  • Automatic Garage Door Locks
    • Security features that automatically lock the garage door every time it closes, enhancing the security of the garage and home.
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  • Garage Door Panels
    • Individual sections of the garage door, which can be replaced if damaged, without needing to replace the entire door.
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  • Garage Door Seals
    • Seals that are placed at the bottom and sides of the garage door to prevent water, dirt, and pests from entering the garage.
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  • Garage Door Brackets and Hardware
    • Various hardware components such as brackets, hinges, and rollers that are essential for the installation and functioning of the garage door.
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  • Smart Garage Door Controllers
    • Devices that allow for the integration of garage doors into smart home systems, enabling control and monitoring via smartphone apps.
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  • Garage Door Balance Testing
    • A procedure to ensure the garage door is properly balanced, which is crucial for safe operation and longevity of the door and opener.
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  • Garage Door Lubrication
    • Regular maintenance involving the lubrication of moving parts like springs, hinges, and rollers to ensure smooth operation and prevent wear.
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  • Garage Door Emergency Release
    • A feature that allows the garage door to be manually opened during power outages or when the opener malfunctions.
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  • Garage Door Insulation Kits
    • Kits designed to add insulation to existing garage doors, improving energy efficiency and reducing noise.
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  • Garage Door Threshold Seals
    • Seals that are placed at the garage door's base, creating a tight seal against the floor to prevent water, dust, and pests from entering.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Water displacing penetrating oils (such as WD-40) will soften plastic, nylon or rubber components, which is especially bad if you have nylon rollers. The spray can also damage a garage door's powder coat finish. Aug 3, 2022

Why Does My Garage Door Stop and Go Back Up? A garage door that stops and goes back up is usually due to malfunctioning infrared sensors. If there is such an issue, you can see one of the sensor lights blinking. Malfunctioning sensors can be caused by a blockage, dirty eyes, loose wires, or just bad sensors in general.

Because garage doors are used so often, it is important to lubricate them at least once a year. When it comes to garage door lubricants, don't use silicone or grease because that will ultimately make the situation worse. For proper lubrication, use Lithium Grease.